Species mapping
DNV tar på seg oppdrag for kartlegging av arter. Hvert år gjennomfører vi oppdrag ved kartlegging og overvåkning av arter i landet. Dette gjelder blant annet rødlistede- og fremmede arter. Store deler av artskartleggingen er knyttet til oppdrag for kartlegging av naturtyper, skjøtsel, skog og fugler.
DNV performs services for mapping species. Every year, we carry out assignments to survey and monitor species across the country. This includes species that are red-listed (endangered), as well as foreign and invasive ones. Large parts of the species mapping are linked to assignments for mapping habitat types, nature management, forests and birds.
We have extensive experience with species from large parts of the country linked to varied nature. In addition to species mapping, we maintain and develop specialist information related to species in Norway.
DNV has several permanent employees with specialized expertise within various groups of species, including vascular plants, lichens, fungi and birds. We offer services such as mapping of individual species, mapping of red-listed and alien species, monitoring of species and specialist knowledge.
In addition to species mapping, we also provide services within nature type mapping.
Our employees are dedicated to understanding and preserving nature, and they are free to pursue projects they deem important. If you have a project in mind, or want to know more, contact us here.