Our office is located at Våtmarkssenteret in Odnes (Gamlevegen 84), where we conduct nature guidance, meetings and seminars.
You can get to the Wetland Center at Odnes by bus. See link for timetables from Dokka and Hov, Gjøvik and Dokka.
Our postal address is: Dokkadeltaet Nasjonale Våtmarkssenter AS, Gamlevegen 84, 2879 Odnes.
Contact us by calling 61 10 00 20, send an email to post@dokkadeltaet.no or contact one of our employees directly. See direct number below.
Magnus Nygård
General manager
Magnus is the company’s general manager. He has a master’s degree in nature management from Norway’s University of the Environment and Life Sciences. He has experience, necessary courses and project management experience with NiN (Nature in Norway) mapping. Has led major project and mapping work and has good knowledge of Naturbase and Artsdatabanken (tools of the Species Data Banks). In the company, he also works with nature restoration, mapping, monitoring, care and nature guidance.
Elida Sandneseng
Nature supervisor
Elida is employed as a nature supervisor and deputy. She holds a master’s degree in marine ecology from the University of Tromsø and postgraduate certificate in education from Stord University College. She has many years of experience as a lecturer in science at high schools. What you love you also take care of, which is why she is passionate about conveying nature and nature experiences for everyone. She is also involved in maintenance projects, combating alien species, harrowing, bioeconomy and dissemination of our projects.
Geir Høitomt
Senior consultant
Associated with the Dokkadeltaet Våtmarkssenter since the start of the company. Expertise in many natural science fields and extensive experience with nature management in practice. He has, among other things, carried out mapping work and species registration for both municipal and private actors for a number of years. Geir also has experience and the necessary courses for NiN (Nature in Norway 2.0 mapping. Interested in increasing the focus on wetland and bog restoration locally and regionally.
Trond Øigarden
Senior consultant
Trond Øigarden is employed as a senior adviser. His main task is the delivery of ornithological services to Avinor. He is otherwise connected to mapping, monitoring and various project work. He is a trained biologist from the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo. The main subject is in behavioural ecology with the white-throated dipper as the study species. Trond has worked in a DNA laboratory and as an independent biologist. Birds are both work and hobby. He holds an office in BirdLife Norway, and holds an A license for ringing birds. Trond has written the books: “Fossekallen – Norway’s national bird” and “Linn Therese and the fossekallen”.
Lea Hoch
Lea mainly works with care, alien species and nature restoration. She is also the “chief garden owner” at the Gardsætra visitor centre and has a lot of experience in caring for all kinds of animals. Lea has a bachelor’s degree in landscape ecology and a master’s degree in nature and environmental protection from the University of Southeast Norway. She wrote her master’s thesis on wood-dwelling fungi in cultured and natural forests.
Espen Sommer Værland
Espen is employed as a consultant. The tasks are mainly related to mapping, communication and other project work. He has a master’s degree from the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, dealing with the mapping of cultural landscapes according to NiN (Nature in Norway) 2.0 and DN-Handbook 13. He is a keen botanist with a lot of experience from courses, work and leisure activities. Espen is active in the Norwegian Botanical Association, especially as a tour leader through the Young Botanist project, and otherwise has a lot of teaching experience from his studies at University of Oslo.
Andrea Rishatt
Andrea is employed as a project employee advisor. She has a master’s degree in nature management from the Norwegian University of Environmental and Biosciences (NMBU) with specialization in water pollution. She has taken subjects in ecotoxicology and environmental toxins, forest ecology and conservation ecology. Andrea has experience from fieldwork in connection with her master’s thesis and several mapping courses, and is otherwise very interested in the environment and nature management. Her main tasks are linked to work with littering and various project work.
Tonje Berland
Senior consultant
Employed as senior consultant in botany. Qualified range manager from Nord-Trøndelag University College. Interested in, as well as working with, taking care of endangered nature types and species. She has a special place in her heart for birds and botany. Holds an A and B license for ringing birds. Performs nature mapping according to NiN (Nature in Norway) and has several years’ experience with this, as well as with species registrations of vascular plants in particular. Tonje is responsible for, among other things, advising on grant schemes for selected nature types. She is also the project manager for DNV’s framework agreement on the design of management plans for hayfields. The client here is the State Administrator in several counties.
Anne Gri Stenbråten Henriksen
Anne Gri is employed as a consultant in ornithology. She works with mapping, monitoring and impact assessments related to influencing factors on birds. She is educated at Nord University Steinkjer in Natural and Cultural Heritage Supervision and at Nord University Levanger, Bird Awareness Study. She holds the Norwegian Environment Agency’s certification A license as a ringer and carries out TOV-E assessment of birds. Anne Gri is a keen bird enthusiast who holds nature guides about bird life for schools and the general public. She also holds a board position in BirdLife Norway.
Snorre Sundsbø
Snorre is employed as a consultant. He has a master’s degree in ecology from NMBU, and wrote a master’s thesis on how a warmer climate will affect the species composition of mosses on the mountain. At NMBU, in addition to his studies, he has taught three subjects where botanical species knowledge is central: Mosses and lichens – floristics and ecology BOT210, Plant diversity BOT100 and Forest management SKOG100. The interest in species knowledge is also reflected in the subjects he has chosen to take himself, and the leisure pursuits he has.
Trond Magne Storstad
Senior consultant
Trond Magne is employed as a consultant. He has an education in biology and environmental chemistry from NTNU, with a cand.scient degree in pollution studies (heavy metals in fungi). Versatile species expertise, best of all in botany (vascular plants, mosses, fungi). Experience with nature management from the environmental protection department of the County Governor in Rogaland. Has worked as a botanist/chemist for the Archaeological Museum in Stavanger, University of Stavanger. Has also carried out field and lab teaching (botany, zoology and chemistry) at NTNU, and with nature type mapping for municipalities. Active in the Norwegian Botanical Association, the Moss Club, the Mushroom and Useful Plant Association. Certified mushroom controller.
Konstanse Skøyen
Konstanse is a consultant mainly working with nature mapping. She is also the project manager for DNV’s framework agreement with the preparation of the technical basis for protected areas, species and nature types. Konstanse has a master’s degree in nature management with a focus on vegetation ecology and climate change from the University of Southeast Norway. She has mapped habitat types and made species registrations in large parts of the country over several seasons. In addition, she has mapped according to NiN (Nature in Norway) in several conservation areas. Through field work and courses, she has the greatest botanical expertise within vascular plants, but also red-listed species within other groups.
Vemund Oppedal
Vemund is employed as a surveyor and has a master’s degree in nature management from NMBU with a focus on forest ecology. Vemund has spent a lot of time on the species groups vascular plants, lichens and wood-dwelling fungi in recent years with a focus on red-listed and indicator species. He has a great commitment to nature and nature management, and thrives very well in the field. He has experience with NiN (Nature in Norway) through several different projects and courses. He also masters the species group of birds very well and has, among other things, ringing license A and has taught the subject ZOOL210 Vertebrates at NMBU.
Øystein Settem Wold
Øystein is employed as a consultant. He has a bachelor’s degree in biology from NMBU and mathematics from NTNU. Self-taught on vascular plants, and very botanically interested from his teenage years. Took a number of subjects which are introductions to the systematics/keying of vascular plants, lichens, mosses and species knowledge about these. In addition, he has taken courses in mapping according to NiN (Nature in Norway) 2.0. His main tasks will be related to mapping according to NiN as well as various project work.
Anne-Marie Austad
Anne-Marie is employed as a consultant, mainly within ornithology. Her interest in nature started at a young age in Malta, where she was born and raised. She has a master’s degree in tropical ecology at Norway’s University of the Environment and Life Sciences; the master’s thesis was about bird diversity picked up by game cameras in the Amazon. Her enjoyment for birds has sent her on fieldwork in several parts of the world; from the tropics to the Arctic. She has also acquired an A license in bird ringing. At NMBU, she was for several years an assistant teacher in a zoology subject (ZOOL210) where she taught about species determination of birds and their adaptations to lifestyles.
Eir Helle Nerland
Eir is employed as a consultant, mainly within cultural landscape care, combatting alien speices and in providing nature guiding. Eir is a philosopher with an MA from the University of Oslo, where she wrote her master thesis on environmental philosophy and the relationship between ecology and ethics. Eir is also a nurse with experience from public health services. She is self-taught in vascular plant biology and ornithology, and is passionate about building bridges between people in nature conservation conflicts. Eir holds the position as secretary for Randsfjordforbundet.
Eirik Klute Jensen
Eirik is passionate and vastly knowledgable about spiders. He is skilled in conveying both knowledge and care for spiders, and has enchanted both children and adults visiting our Wetland centre. Five minutes with Eirik and your arachnophobia is vaporized. Eirik works mainly with visits from schools and coprorations, as well as managing Open Days at our Wetland centre during the summer and throughout the rest of the year.