Nature restoration
På oppdrag for statlige miljøvernmyndigheter, kommuner og private utfører DNV ulike restaureringstiltak. Våtmarkssenteret sammen med samarbeidspartnere har kompetanse og utstyr til å gjennomføre alle ledd av restaureringen. Vi tar oss av prosjektering, kartlegging, forberedelse, graving/entreprenør arbeid, overvåking og etterarbeid.
DNV carries out various restoration measures on behalf of state environmental protection authorities, municipalities and private individuals. Together with its partners, the Wetlands Centre holds the expertise and equipment to carry out all stages of nature restoration. As such, we take care of planning, mapping, preparation, excavation/contractor work, monitoring and post-work.
Our employees are dedicated to understanding and preserving nature. They are free to work with projects they deem important. DNVs philosophy is that “the answer lies in nature”. Therefore, we employ nature-based solutions in our work, and strive to perform nature restoration that reduces the demands of maintenance and invasiveness of the project to a minimum.
If you would like our services related to these tasks, please contact us.
Some of our past and ongoing projects:
- Investigation and planning of restoration measures in waterways
- Forest restoration
- Restoration of bogs
- Restoration of hayfields
- Restoration of hay bogs
- Restoration of roadside with Northern dragonhead involving burning
- Develop management plans for hayfields and hay bogs
- Paving the crossing point for forest machinery
- Restoration of freshwater pearl mussel habitat
- Restoration attempt Northern dragonhead
- Investigation into the restoration of meandering parts of Etna in Etnedal and Nordre land municipalities
- Investigation into the restoration of Hovtjern in Gran municipality
- Own team for the care and restoration of hayfields and haybogs
- Bog restoration
- Paving of path after restoration
If you have a project in mind, or would like to know more, please contact us here.