Ornithological services
Våtmarkssenteret har etablert Ornitologisk Stasjon Odnes (OrSO) for å systematisere merkingen i deltaområdet til vitenskapelig og forvaltningsmessig hensikt. Vi utfører også ringmerking for å gi publikum mulighet til nærkontakt med fugler.
The Wetlands Center has established Ornithological Station Odnes (OrSO) to systematize the marking in the delta area for scientific and administrative purposes. We also carry out ring marking to give the public the opportunity for close contact with birds.
We can offer
Species mapping or mapping of birds in conservation areas or other desired areas.
Risk analyses
Impact assessments on birds in connection with developments
Assistance in writing professional reports
Collection of data for research
Assessments of breeding birds and migratory birds
Ring marking project
The birds are an important environmental indicator and the main purpose of ring marking is to obtain scientific data about the birds and the environment they live in. Through ring marking, knowledge is obtained that contributes to a sensible conservation and management policy for the birds.
At the Wetlands Center’s annual open day in May, you can experience practical ring marking. The birds face continuous pressure linked to land changes, environmental pollution and climate change. Ring marking helps to be a tool that tells us something about how different bird species respond to different influencing factors. It provides a basis for being able to map challenges and to make arrangements for birds in connection with this.