Nature management
Skal du lære om naturen, lærer du best ute i selve naturen. Våtmarkssenteret tror på å se, oppleve, føle og kjenne på det vi har rundt oss. Gjennom våre forskjellige undervisningsopplegg kan vi tilby et bredt utvalg av emner i naturveiledning for skoler.
DNV can offer care for selected habitat types and endangered species. We have most of the equipment needed to carry out care for most types of nature. DNV also has a framework agreement for the preparation of management plans in Innlandet, Oslo and Viken, Telemark and Agder. If you need help with care or want a care plan for your needs, get in touch.
We work a lot with different types of care in the summer, starting in early spring and well into autumn. Clients can be landowners, municipalities or county officials. DNV eventually has a large equipment park with implements used for maintenance. We have two-wheel mowers, clearing saws and chainsaws, rakes, trailers, etc.
During the spring, summer and autumn, DNV carries out maintenance at 10-15 locations each year. These localities vary from hayfields and hay bogs to care linked to endangered species such as sunflower and dragon’s head. The care includes, among other things, mowing, clearing of forest and undergrowth, pollarding (cutting of small trees) and some removal of alien species.
Most of the sites are taken care of on behalf of private landowners, but it also includes roadsides with endangered species that we clear on behalf of the State Administrator. If you need help with the care of hayfields, hay bogs, meadows/gardens, harvesting forests, natural pastures or endangered species that need care, you can get in touch.
We can also assist with the design of management plans for most types of nature.
Mowed fields are very species-rich and, with their many flowering plants, an important habitat for pollinating insects
Old pollarding tree that is in the process of growing back
For more information on caring for cultural landscapes and practical advice, we are at your disposal.