Vi arbeider med overvåkning av arter og naturtyper over hele Norge.
We work with monitoring of species and habitat types throughout Norway.
This includes the monitoring of population within one or more species both within restricted and defined areas or across larger areas. Examples are monitoring of horn grebes in Gjøvik municipality, monitoring of migratory birds in the Dokkadelta nature reserve, registration of the distribution of minnows in Innlandet county or assessment of the hare population on Veståsen in the communities of Nordre – and Søndre Land.
Monitoring is performed by recoring registrations in the field, by the using of wildlife cameras, by collecting observations and researching national databases. The Wetland Center has a large network with which we collaborate for the collection of data.
For more information on previous projects and reports see archive.
Some of our previous projects/ongoing projects:
- Freshwater pearl mussel
- Northern dragonhead
- Otter
- Astacus astacus
- Cicindela maritima
- Dragonhead sap beetle