Facilitation and information measures
Våtmarkssenteret har lang erfaring fra tilrettelegging og informasjonstiltak i og utenfor verneområder. Vi har blant annet planlagt og bygd natur- og kulturstier, utsiktspunkt, erfaringsstoler, informasjonspunkt, brosjyrer og lager verneområdeskilt for statsforvaltere.
As the only one in Norway, the Wetland Centre provides both professional expertise within the natural fields as well as facilitation and information services for the public. While employees in DNV are dedicated to understanding and preserving nature, we also know that communicating this knowledge and passion with the public is just as important. We therefore choose to focus many of our resources towards communicating with the public.
DNV and communication
Our communication work with the public involves a large variety of projects. Among other things, we have planned and built nature and cultural trails, viewpoints, experience chairs, information points, brochures and create protected area signs for state administrators.
We also hold a large library of photos and information owned by DNV about species and nature types. We have also had a collaboration project with photographer Thor Østbye, in which he photographed the nature in the Dokka Delta nature reserve.
DNV also has extensive experience in the implementation and development of sustainable tours in nature. Every year we organize, among other things, orchid walks on an old hay bog (Bjørnhaugmyra). Feel free to contact us if you wish to carry out a guided tour.
It is important for us that all projects facilitating communication and information are sustainable and non-invasive.
Communication projects
Some of our projects:
- “Folkestien”, the Folk Trail: Starting in Dokka village, you can follow a 3 km trail along the rivers Dokka-Etna. The trail implements universal design and is accessible to everyone. DNV has produced signage and nature information along this path, where there are also rest areas, gap huts and a universally designed fishing spot.
- Signs with information about the various fish species in Randsfjorden.
- On the former railway route from Dokka to Naturhuset on Odnes (approx. 7 km), DNV has set up several information boards about cultural heritage and nature. One of the information signs is about hay fields and stands by a lair in the Dokka Delta.
- “Experience chairs” in Ecosystem Dokkadelta. Ten chairs are situated in ten hiking destinations in the nature of Land and Etnedal. The project is an “art in nature” exhibition. The experience chairs are connected to wetlands in various ways, and are signposted with nature information. Some chairs require an hour’s hike while others are easily accessible.
- Information point about freshwater pearl mussels at Fallselva, Søndre Land. The information point has a fire pit, seating and a specially made “pier” where you can go out into the river and see freshwater pearl mussels. DNV has also contributed to the development of a longer cultural and nature trail along Fallselva.
If you have a project in mind or would like to learn more, please contact us here.