Proud partner of the new subject Bioeconomy
DNV are proud partner of the new subject Bioeconomy at Dokka VGS, which starts autumn 2022.
Soon, the first lucky students at Dokka VGS will have the opportunity to choose the new programme subject Bioeconomics. DNV has partnered with the school to create the subject, which we believe is a future-oriented and exciting subject for young people in Innlandet. The subject provides opportunities to get to know multiple local and regional enterprises whose finances are based on renewable resources.
The subject will give students an understanding of the production from raw materials to finished bio-based products and insight into basic ecology, biological diversity and ecosystem services linked to sustainable resources. The subject will contribute to an understanding of sustainable harvesting, management of nature and the environment and biological diversity. This involves the shift from an oil economy to a sustainable bioeconomy at a local, regional, national and international level.
Bioeconomy is based on principles of a closed loop, i.e., zero waste, biodegradable waste, recycled waste or waste that is reused in production. This is in contrast to the conventional economy which is based on principles of an open loop.
An important part of the subject is to provide an insight into bioeconomy in todays and future agriculture, forestry and aquaculture. Biotechnology, bioproduction and utilization of resources can involve ethical challenges. The subject will provide an insight into discussions and problems with regard to methods, and contribute to discussions around possible conflicts of interest linked to resource utilization. The subject promotes reflection and critical thinking through students exploring and analysing bioeconomic conditions and challenges.
DNV has been involved in developing the plan for the two-year subject, which has now been approved by the Directorate of Education. We are also one of the partners to develop a compendium in the new subject which does not have a textbook. In this connection, DNV will send out an invitation to many local and regional companies asking them to make a short presentation of themselves, which will be integrated into the subject's compendium. In this way, potential green professions will be presented to all young people who take the subject in the coming years.
We hope the subject can contribute to more young people helping to develop the region in a sustainable and innovative direction.
Read more about the Bioeconomy Strategy for Innlandet 2017-2024 here.