Experience chairs
Med utstillingen “Erfaringsstoler i Økosystem Dokkadelta” ønsker Dokkadeltaet Våtmarkssenter å invitere til opplevelse av den varierte og mangfoldige vassdragsnaturen i Land og Etnedal.
With the exhibition “Experience chairs in the Dokkadelta Ecosystem”, the Dokkadelta Wetland Center wants to invite you to experience the varied and diverse watercourse nature in Land and Etnedal.
Art in nature “Experience chairs in Ecosystem Dokkadelta” – a project in “Ecosystem Dokkadelta – Wetlands in a new era”
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Experience chairs in Ecosystem Dokkadelta
With the exhibition “Experience chairs in the Dokkadelta Ecosystem”, the Dokkadelta Wetland Center wants to invite you to experience the varied and diverse watercourse nature in Land and Etnedal. The experience chairs can be found in various natural spaces from Synnfjell in the north to Randsfjorden in the south. The diverse nature spaces tell the story of nature through the seasons and of the relationship between man and nature. Experience chairs in Ecosystem Dokkadelta is our wetland exhibition. We welcome weather and wind, to the smell of bog and flower, to rushing streams and soaring vistas, to ancient creatures and beating of wings in the air.
Nature invites and you are always welcome!
Art in nature or discovering human nature in nature
Art in nature means using nature as an exhibition space. Art, or the human expression can be controversial in itself. It creates debate and it lures the curious out into nature. Also people who do not have an immediate connection to outdoor life. Art can be a trip destination that means you spend more time outside and get a different perspective on nature. The expression can be informative and challenge our senses. Art in nature can be used to channel traffic from vulnerable conservation areas to natural spaces, which have the same experiential value without traffic disturbing the balance of nature. Our concept art in nature does not want to change the natural space to the benefit of art, but searches for an interaction.
Experience chair Fuglereir (Bird’s nest) on Stuvelien, north of Etnedalen, nature area mountains, view of Langsua National Park and Jotunheimen.
Experience chair Steinen (Stone) at Hellefossen, the river Etna in Etnedal, nature room river.
Experience chair Vrien (the twist), Langhaugen in Nord-Torpa, Nordre Land, nature area bog.
Experience chair Benk (Bench) in Dokka nature reserve, Østsinni in Nordre Land, nature room limestone forest with orchids.
Experience chair Forblåst (Blown away) at Svartkampen, Synnfjell in Nordre Land, natural space mountain.
The experience chair is at Huldreputten, just a few hundred meters from the view at the telemast at Skjellungskampen.
Svev (Soar) can be found on Seterhaugen east of Trevatna in Søndre Land.
Experience chair Maur (Ant) at Bergstien by Landåsbygda rehabilitation center in Søndre Land, natural space mixed forest.
Experience chair Fugl (Bird) stands in the natural area of the marsh by Attjernet, along a marked path in connection with the Bergenske kongeveien between Fluberg and Lausgarda.
Experience chair Fuglehus (Birdhouse) is at Gardsetra. The birdhouse is only available in the summer.
Experience chair Fisk (Fish) by Lomsdalselva in Søndre Land, nature room river and freshwater pear mussel.
Hugin and Munin experience chairs are located at our wetland center in Odnes.
Experience chair “Sitje på en stein er også hvile” (“Sitting on a stone is also rest”) is at home in all nature rooms in Ecosystem Dokkadelta and other places. It travels with us to exhibitions and on courses.
To find the experience chairs, we have signs along roads and paths with the Dokkadelta logo and a chair.
Several of the experience chairs have a box with a hiking book to write in.
All photos Thor Østbye.