The Dokka Delta National Wetland Centre AS was established as a stock-based limited company in 2008 and is owned by Norde Lane and Søndre Land municipalities. DNV offers a range of environmental services and has developed considerable competence within habitat restoration, habitat preservation and maintenance ("skjøtsel"), and habitat surveying. The company is working to preserve the biological diversity that we have in the area and to ensure that it is utilised in a sustainable manner. We offer guidance as to how this can be achieved using innovative nature interpretation. You can find us at the Dokka Delta nature reserve. There are new exhibitions at the wetland centre on a regular basis, and it is open for visitors during the summer months.
DNV performs a range of consultation services for The Norwegian Environment Agency, the county council and local municipalities, and private companies and individuals. We work in partnership with several organisations, for example: “Kistefos skogtjenester”, “Miljøfaglig Utredning”, NINA, the vegetation advisor Tanaquil Enzenberger and NIBIO.
In 2015 DNV opened its visitor centre next to the bird tower in Odnes. The building contains offices, educational facilities, toilets and an excellent outdoor area for nature interpretation. DNV is also renting the assembly house Fjordheim on the west side of Randsfjorden. This is used as a field station, with suitable areas for outdoor activities.
The habitat preservation and restoration roles that we undertake take place throughout the region, with much of the work associated with certain protected species and selected habitat types. As a wetland centre, DNV has had a focus on the restoration and preservation of marshes and other types of wetland habitats. In addition, we develop management plans for semi-natural habitats and undertake survey work for numerous species and habitat types on a local and national level. The field season is busy, and from the middle of May to the end of October DNV is mainly out in the field performing different tasks.
The organisation has several employees with excellent knowledge within NiN surveying (Nature in Norway). During the last few years, DNV has conducted NiN surveying both as a subcontractor and supplier, on behalf of the Norwegian Environment Agency. DNV has also been involved in the publication of reports, as well as the preparation of surveying material for field use for NiN.
DNV offers nature interpretation and guiding for both school groups and non-school groups. The organisation has for example developed educational resources with specially prepared field books for a number of the schools within Land municipality. We can also offer customised resources for schools, private individuals and others. Our canoes allow students to experience nature close up.
DNV took part in the national initiative ‘the value of our natural heritage’, with the project ‘Dokka Delta Ecosystem – a wetland in a new age’. A lot of work was done in connection with this to increase the attractiveness of our region, including signposting footpaths and the placing of many nature experience chairs in nature spaces along the Dokka and Etna watercourses. The nature experience chairs are well worth a visit and can be found using our app Outtt.